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Sports parts:
Western riding has its roots in the work of the American cowboy. The western riding style is gaining interest, both among recreational and competition riders.
Riding with loose reins is an end goal. Usually, so-called split reins (not closed) are used, although closed reins can also be used that end in a piece of leather to be used as a whip (romal with squirt).
One-handed driving uses a bit with shanks (rod with scissors). The horse and rider must form one team and they must trust each other completely. The rider must not be afraid that his horse could be startled by the cattle or the obstacles it has to overcome.
The horse must rely on the rider, he must give him confidence and show that there is nothing wrong. Western riding is done with a wide variety of horses. Although every horse is suitable for this, mainly horses such as Quarterhorse, Appaloosa and Paints are used at competition level. For working with livestock it is important that a horse has “cow-sense”. This means that the horse feels the cattle well and is not afraid of it.
There are several parts of western sport:
This is a breed-typical inspection, just as is usual with other horse and / or animal breeds. It is a breed typical whole, so horses of different breeds do not come together in the ring.
Showmanship at halter:
This involves looking at the craftsmanship of the person showing the horse and not at the breed-typical characteristics. That is why it also falls under the dressage main group.
The name trail refers to the track that is normally followed in the wild.
In the arena, obstacles are simulated, such as opening and closing a gate, stepping over beams, trotting or galloping, crossing a bridge, turning a square around its own axis (a kind of small spider, pirouette) and go backwards according to a certain pattern (often an L-figure).
In addition to these mandatory elements, the trail can be supplemented with other obstacles, such as an imaginary ditch, transporting an object or various obstacles that require the horse to move backwards and sideways.
Western Pleasure:
The participants enter the arena together and must remain on the wall (rail).
Passing is allowed, but the rider may not ride in circles or cross the arena.
The three different gaits of trot, walk and canter are shown on both the left hand and the right hand.
The corridor that is driven while sitting (jog) is very important.
It is a slow trot that should definitely not be skidded in the forehand. The trot (trot) has only become fashionable in recent years and has been in demand in competitions ever since.
With the command “reverse” the participants make a 180 degree turn and change hands.
A speed that is too high or too low, wrong gait at the requested moment, resistance of the horse, too deep or too high a neck position of the horse or ‘break of gait’ (falling from the relevant gait) are considered a violation . The horse must be ridden without excessive or disruptive corrections from the rider.
This does not have to be a loose rein, but this does give an indication of the degree of training.
The difficulty of the test is that the horse is pleasant to ride. and obedience.
Western Horsemanship:
Western Horsemanship consists of two parts.
The first part is individual: the combination must ride a certain pattern, which usually includes a trot, canter, backup, a turn around the hindquarters and exercises (circles / yield / etc.).
In the second part all riders have to ride a bit of Pleasure. This is called railwork. This railwork counts less heavily and is more intended as a detailed decision for the jury.
But you can certainly still be disqualified during the railwork.
The Western Horsemanship mainly looks at the qualities of the rider and not so much at the qualities of the horse.
During the entire event, all participants are in the box, during the test the horses are lined up, the so-called line-up.
Western Riding:
Participants take a test on a prescribed course, during which the horse’s skills are assessed.
It can include a variety of exercises, such as riding canter changements over a beam around a series of pylons.
Horse and rider must again demonstrate the different gaits, such as walk (step), jog and lope (a slow canter).
Reining is designed to show the athletic ability of a ranch-type horse, in a closed area of a showarena.
Participants have to ride one of the 10 patterns, divided over 8 parts. Including slow small circles, big fast circles, flying gallop changes, spins and the often exciting and dynamic sliding stops, which are really typical of the reining horse.
Despite the seemingly relaxed posture of both rider and horse and the loose reins, which are typical for this discipline, reining is a sport with a high level of competition.
It requires a lot of concentration from both rider and horse. Also, a very high degree of competence is required to be able to practice this sport properly. Reining was first recognized as a sport in 1949 by the American Quarter Horse Association. The largest equine organization that currently has more than 320,000 members and more than 4 million horses registered.
Reining was approved by the FEI (The Fédération Equestre Internationale) in 2000 as one of its recognized sports. The FEI is an official body of the IOC, the Olympic committee, which monitors equestrian sports in an animal-friendly way of dealing with the sport horses. The FEI also helps to develop its recognized disciplines.
The participating combinations take the test 1 by 1. With Reining it is important that the horse is completely relaxed and shows no resistance, minimal guidance is required (willingly guided). The rider must keep constant control over his horse. Long reins are not a must, but an extra degree of difficulty. A horse must be ridden on one hand from the age of six (neck reining). According to the definition of the American Quarter Horse Association, a reining horse must not only be led, but also every movement controlled by the rider.
“ To rein a horse is not only to guide him, but also to control his every movement. The best reined horse should be willingly guided or controlled with little or no apparent resistance and dictaded to completely. Any movement on his own must be considered a lack of control. All devations from the exact written pattern must me considered a lack of / or temporary loss of control and therefore a fault that must be marked down according to the severity of the deviaton. After deducting all faults, set here within, against execution of the pattern and the horse overall performance, credit should be given for smoothness, finesse, attitude, quickness, and authority of performing various maneuvers, while using controlled speed which raises the difficulty level and makes him more exciting and pleasing to watch to an audience ”.
Afterwards, the combination will go to the jury to have the bit inspected, unless otherwise specified in advance. The jury member can also decide not to do this after the test.
Freestyle Reining:
In this a free exercise is performed to music. In the exercise, the same elements should emerge as one of the 10 regular reining patterns.
The rider can choose to sit on the horse dressed up and adjust the exercise accordingly.
The movement and grace of a ballerina or the speed of a fleeing crook. You just think of it.
The speed games Barrel Racing and Pole Bending are all about the speed and maneuverability of the horse. The horse with the fastest time and the fewest penalty points wins the competition.
Barrel Racing:
Three barrels arranged in a triangle mark the course. The participant can decide on which side of the first barrel he wants to start. He can choose from two patterns to the left or to the right. It is important that he / she drives a full circle around all barrels, where touch is allowed. A toppled barrel earns you penalty points (5 penalty seconds).
If the rider loses his hat, that also means 5 seconds of penalty. Disqualification will follow if a combination does not stick to the course (out of pattern).
Barrel Racing is a competition component in which the speed and maneuverability of the horse are optimally tested.
Pole Bending:
In this event, horse and rider slalom between six posts equidistant from each other. The posts are at least 6 feet high and spaced at least 21 feet apart. A flying start is allowed and there is a 5 second penalty time per pole that falls over. Disqualification results when the pattern is broken.
Cutting, Working Cowhorse and Team Penning are parts that belong to the working classes
When cutting, the rider must choose a cow from the herd that has entered the ring. The combination should approach the herd attentively without disturbing it excessively. Once the rider has determined which cow to separate from the herd, the combination must place the cow as close to the center of the arena as possible.float. Two other riders keep the cow in the center of the arena, while two other riders keep the herd together on the short side of the arena. It is the horse’s job to prevent the cow from returning to the herd by keeping them in line.
Working Cowhorse:
In this part, the horse must show that it is suitable for work on a ranch. The principles of cleansing are highlighted here.
In addition, the horse must show that it has cow sense. The working cowhorse consists of two parts: dry work (without livestock) consisting of a cleaning trial and fence work, working with livestock….
Team Medal:
30 cows are lined up in the arena with a number from 0 to 9.
So there are three numbers 0, three numbers 1 etc.
Three riders enter the arena at the end and move towards the start line.
When the go-ahead is given, the riders are given a number, 3 for example.
The riders must then isolate the three number 3 cows and take them to the other end of the arena.
The team with the shortest time wins.
Rodeo is part of the training of horses and is really just about sitting on an untamed horse.
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